BNI Los Angeles Sweetens the Deal for Los Angeles Nonprofit Organizations

If your nonprofit organization is looking to raise awareness, increase donations and recruit volunteers in the coming year, then BNI could be the game changer you’ve been looking for. Why? As the world’s most successful networking and referral organization, BNI plugs its members into a network of local business professionals who are looking to grow their exposure, become involved in local causes, and make tax deductible donations. That can mean good news for nonprofit organizations who join a local BNI Chapter. And for the rest of 2020, BNI has decided to waive membership fees for nonprofits who apply before December 31st.

BNI is a worldwide organization with 18,000+ chapters and over 280,000 worldwide. Each chapter meets “virtually” once per week on Zoom on a designated day and time. BNI chapter members are trained and incentivized to refer warm business opportunities to one another in an effort to help each other build their respective organizations.

Because a BNI membership is such a tremendously profitable investment for most members, the annual membership fee of $749 is mostly viewed as “small potatoes” compared to the return. Members also pay a $299 application fee when they initially join. However, BNI Los Angeles recently announced that it is waiving both of these fees for nonprofit organizations who apply before December 31st, 2020. This is a huge bonus to an already fantastic opportunity for Los Angeles nonprofits.

“It’s been a really challenging year for everybody to say the least,” says Tim Roberts, owner of BNI’s NH Franchises. “But it’s really been toughest on the nonprofits from what I’ve seen. When the economy tanks, nonprofits often feel it the most, especially during a pandemic like this. So this is something we wanted to do to help.”

“It’s great for the current BNI Members, and awesome for the nonprofits,” said Jamie Stein, BNI Managing Director. “This immediately gives nonprofits all over the Los Angeles region an easy way to join an organization that will provide them with warm referrals, more exposure, and potentially more donations and volunteers. And for current members, this just gives us another reason to bring more great people into our chapters. I’m hoping other states do the same thing. This really is a win all around.”

BNI is an international referral organization whose members meet once per week, currently completely virtually, to pass warm referrals and help each other expand their networks. The philosophy of BNI is “Givers Gain: If I give business to you, then you will want to give business to me.

A few additional highlights of BNI:

  • One member per profession is allowed in each chapter. This reduces competition for BNI Chapter members, providing members the opportunity to be the “trusted advisor” for their profession.
  • BNI Members passed over $28 million in referrals over the past 12 months.

“I’d highly recommend nonprofits join a local BNI chapter,” says Jessica Susan, Executive Director of Game Plan Sports, a Manchester-area nonprofit organization that specializes in providing strength and conditioning programs to Manchester’s youth athletes. “The fact that you can join a chapter of local business professionals, and everyone in the room is there to help you grow and be more successful…this has been huge for Game Plan Sports. We’ve made amazing connections and those connections have led to quick expansion opportunities for our program. This makes it easier for us to serve the community and get the word out.” Jessica is a member of Manchester’s Wolf Pack chapter, and joined in August when she was looking for an effective way to build her organization’s notoriety in the Queen City. “When I learned of BNI, and visited a chapter, I really couldn’t believe this was a real thing. Turns out… it is! I’m very thankful I joined.”

For any nonprofit organizations looking to grow their exposure in the community and generate more warm referrals, we encourage you to visit one of our local chapters. Please reach out to Director of Operations and Chapter Placement Erin Eddings at [email protected], visit our Facebook page, or visit to find a local chapter.

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